Scp 173 Scp 035 Scps Scp 173 Scp 035 Scp 096
Yes scp link scp 035 containment chamber scp 035 referred to as the possessive mask is a dangerous scp object that can be found in scp containment breach.
Scp 173 scp 035 scps scp 173 scp 035 scp 096. Each disk is individually numbered in hand written permanent marker. Item scp 173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. Safe special containment procedures. Scp 035 is to be kept within a hermetically sealed glass case no fewer than 10 centimeters 4 inches thick.
Scp 173 acts as an ambush class scp meant to ambush a single target or small group. Scp 173 is one of the seven playable scp classes in scp. Containment of dangerous scps scp 173 is immobilized when stared at attentively. Scp 335 is to be kept in a secure location to prevent tampering.
Euclid special containment procedures. Scp 335 is a set of one hundred and fifty 3 5 floppy disks discovered in a cardboard box found in the attic of former agent shortly after her termination. This case is to be contained within a steel iron and lead shielded room at all times. Scp 173 is a sculpture that is able to move at extremely high speeds but when looked at will come to a complete stop.
Keter special containment procedures. Spawn area for personnel sector 3. Doors are to be triple locked at all times with the exception of allowing personnel in or out. When personnel must enter scp 173 s container no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them.
Scp 173 is able to move when targets looking at him blink. Scp 173 the sculpture a k a peanut is a euclid class scp found within the hallways that connect to all 3 sectors sector 1. Class d cells sector 2.